Archive for the ‘Urut Batin’ Category
- Alasan-alasan dibalik upaya sejak masa lampau oleh Kaum Pria agar Seksual Tahan Lama di atas Ranjang
- Secara Fisiologis, tubuh pria memiliki mekanisme yang mencegah kaum pria tahan lama secara seksual di atas ranjang
- Mempelajari Kiat-kiat dan Tips Praktis dan Rahasia Kuno, yang Kaum Pria di seluruh dunia telah gunakan agar tahan lama.
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Every September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in the United States. In commemoration of this yearly event, Aneros is offering 20% off storewide for a limited time only until 28 Sep 2018. Further discounts applicable on Progasm (+10%) and Progasm Red (+ 15%).
Take your small step for better prostate health with the Aneros, this Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, with Aneros being recognized for its various Click here for the full article ...
Prostate Milking Cancer Prevention – Introduction
Prostate Milking. What is it? Can you actually milk a man’s prostate like a cow? The process of milking the prostate actually refers to massage of this ubiquitous male gland. The art of prostate milking or massage is most often associated with sex and in particular, sexual pleasure.
Ancient manuscripts indicate that concubines indulged the ancient rulers of China with the pleasures of prostate massage.
Click here for the full article ...In this 4th of a series of reports of Urut Batin/Manhood massage providers (for the first report on “Treat and Cure” massage in Singapore, please refer to this link) who provide Urut Batin/Manhood massage, we experience a massage from Masseur Din, an independant provider of massage services for men in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, literally in KL Sentral.
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Prostate Massage has been practiced since ancient times, being used as a form of health therapy as well as for sexual pleasure in men
Click here for the full article ...Cara Memperbesar Penis? Kita sini membahas efektivitas Operasi Pembesaran Penis dan penggunaan Extender Penis.
Click here for the full article ...Mari meneruskan perbincangan kita pada Urut Batin dan pembesaran zakar, di mana kita berakhir pada Bahagian 1 dengan perbincangan mengenai pelbagai cara yang digunakan oleh orang-orang dahulu untuk membesarkan zakar mereka. Dalam bahagian 2, kita akan membincangkan keberkesanan Pembedahan Pembesaran Zakar dan penggunaan “Extender” Zakar.
Click here for the full article ...Secara tradisional, Urut batin dikenali sebagai kaedah untuk memperbaiki peredaran darah dan kesihatan keseluruhan kawasan sulit lelaki, ia juga berkait rapat dengan Pembesaran Zakar.
Click here for the full article ...Urut Batin/Urutan Lelaki Laporan 3: Urut Batin KL – Urut Kampong
Urut Batin KL – untuk siri ketiga dari laporan mengenai Urut Batin/Urutan Lelaki, kita pergi pula ke Utara iaitu Malaysia, iaitu dalam kawasan penduduk di Puchong, Kuala Lumpur