Urut Batin and Penis Enlargement Part 1

Urut Batin has traditionally been known as a method to enhance blood flow and overall health of a man’s genital region. Like all treatments involving a man’s genitals, it is also inevitably linked to Penis Enlargement, given the fact that it is not uncommon for men to experience insecurities with regards to the size of their manhood.

Penis Enlargement 1









Many of the massage providers featured in these pages suggest on their sites that Urut Batin Massage is a means of Penis Enlargement. For example to quote Treat & Cure Massage’s (see Urut Batin Massage Report 1) website “Frequent massaging and exercises ‘holdback’ technique, this procedures twice or three times a week will increases your sperm count and improving their motility. Thus will enlarge your penis physical size & beauty your ‘libido shape’ and sparkle your eyes.” From the FAQ section of the Urut Kampong website (see Urut Batin massage Report 3 – Urut Batin KL) “Over a sustained period of time, the Manhood Therapy treatment: ……. Enlarges penis size and girth visibly”.

In practice though when I have posed the question of Penis Enlargement to the massage providers the answers are less clear, with the common answer being that Urut Batin Massage is effective in Penis Enlargement …. provided if the massage is done regularly and faithfully, eg several times a week for example. Instead most of the masseurs emphasized that “size” is not everything and that a man’s technique is perhaps the most important factor in his performance in the bedroom.

No matter what opinions may be regarding the rights/wrongs…. pros/cons of Penis Enlargement, it will always be an issue deep in the minds of millions of men around the world. The issue is more of a “psychological” one rather than a physical one as medical experts often advise that a man does not need to be that large to perform sexually, as per the article in the following link. The psychological significance of penis size in the hearts and minds of men around the world is such that the so called Penis Enlargement or Male Enhancement industry is a very large one, involving all sorts of products both legitimate and non-legitimate, ranging from penis enlargement surgery to pumps, to extenders and pills.

This so called Penis Enlargement “industry” is also a very “old” one. It is as old as mankind’s fascination with the human male penis. Apart from the ancient Javanese/Malay art of Urut Batin Massage, there is also the more commonly known ancient Middle Eastern practice of “Jelqing” which compared to Urut Batin (which is a more holistic massage involving massage to other parts of the male genitals rather than only the penis) concentrates more on the massage of the penis through squeezing and “milking” motions on the penis in the hope of encouraging penis enlargement.

Scientifically most of these methods remain unproven to result in Penis Enlargement with the exception of 2 methods, Penis Enlargement Surgery and Penis Extenders, where studies been published that have shown some effectiveness in penis enlargement. This will be covered in more detail in part 2 of this blog post ….. To be continued.

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