Before we proceed any further exploring other known methods (apart from Urut Batin massage) through which men in the East have been known to to employ to enhance their sexual vitality and overall health, a word of caution – DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! The people who have been or are practicing these techniques know what they are doing and have been trained to avoid injury to themselves.
Introducing Tie Dang Gong also known as Iron Crotch Qigong or exercise.

Iron Crotch Workout:
The picture above will certainly make many men cringe. Why wouldn’t any sensible man shy away from such exercises involving tying weights of between 50-100 lbs around one’s penis and scrotum and swinging them along like a pendulum in the name of health to boot? Well many practitioners of the ancient Chinese Taoist art of Qi Gong or mastery of one’s “inner energy” as noted in one of my previous blog posts do not think so and these practitioners who are found in Chinese communities from Indonesia and Singapore through to the United States certainly know what they are doing. If you are continuing to read this I again reiterate the fact that these exercises should not be tried at home without training!
As per the article in the following link: at the very heart of this practice is the belief in the cultivation and control of one’s internal energy or “Qi” and directing this energy to the task of “lifting the weights”. Techniques of meditation, as well as massage to the abdominal and genital region are practiced as in Urut Batin massage, to prepare the body and focus one’s energy towards the weight lifting exercise. It is worth noting that it is often as with Urut Batin (most legitimate practitioners or providers do not offer the service as a “sexual” service). Strict moral codes are applied, with the Master Chan in the article, refusing to teach the technique (despite generous financial offers) to some Taiwanese businessmen whose aim was to “deflower” more virgins in the belief that it would reverse their own aging process. Indeed, Master Chan in the article mentions that the technique/practice is meant to be practiced with a “relaxed and guilt free” frame of mind if one is to derive maximum health and personal well being benefits from it.
Readers may wonder how this relates to the topic of Urut Batin which is what this site is about. Well in many ways there are links between Urut Batin therapy or massage with concepts like Iron Crotch Qi Gong. As seen in our previous post relating the concept of “inner energy” with Urut Batin, both concepts employ similar concept of Qi or internal energy through techniques like massage. I believe that although Urut Batin is inherently of Malay/Indonesian origin as most of its practitioners are, due to regional influences, there are shared concepts relating to Traditional Chinese medicinal/health practices as Qi Gong. In addition, I hope that readers can relate better to the concepts or techniques shown in this website (as hard to believe as they may initially appear) and that there is more to the ancient techniques and therapies of Eastern Medicine than what our often Western/Scientific understanding can comprehend.
If you still find the concept of Iron Crotch Qi Gong hard to believe, I leave you with the following videos.
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